Friday, August 22, 2008

Slim and Sora - August 2008

The orange kitten to the bottom left, and the little black one were our latest losses to our kitten family.
Slim, the orange was a loving baby bow who was never a big one for getting curious, he loved to cuddle. And Sora, the black was never far behind his brothers and sisters.
This is what happens when some one drives down a country road doing 55 when they should be doing 30 :-(
More heartbreak for my children.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Kuma ~ September 2007 to April 22.2008

Another cat taken way before he had a chance to live his life, this time by a driver who thinks cats are not beloved family pets but something to play games with.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Cat Memorial's Place yours here

My girls wanted to make sure that I post that this is for 'all' people who have lost cats, not just our cats. They feel the pain of their cats deaths so deeply, and want to make sure other people who lost their beloved cats can come and place a photo and feel better a tiny bit.
Technorati Profile

Monday, August 27, 2007

Our Blogs Purpose

This blog was made as a place to preserve my childrens pets memories. If you have pictures of your cats that you would like to have posted here with a word , let me know and I will gladly get it posted for you.

This is my cat Bear. He just went to Kitty Heaven two days ago :-( He was a four year old long hair whose disposition was always even. I do not think he ever once growled.
He just fathered his first batch of kittens this year but sadly none looked like him.
He always loved to crawl up into your lap just to have his head rubbed, and was a peace loving cat.

He will be missed.

This is Miss Cookie, she too passed this month. She was a momma twice and was my daughters constant companion. She was much loved by all my girls.
Cookie was a Tortoiseshell short hair.